Post Christmas Phone Call...

December 30, 2013

Eating "Moker Dahnodes" with the Bishop and his family. 
Hey!  Well first of all, it was great to talk to you guys. It was fun using skype. We had a good time talking face to face and it was well worth it.

This is half of our zone.
Christmas was great.  We had an activity as the zone. It was good. We made pizzas and played sports and did a gift exchange. It all turned out well and everybody had a great time.

Making pizzas.

Gift exchange.
This week we had a conference with President it was cool. President Bautista always has the best stories. He told a story about a couple whose kid went missing and they went on their mission knocked on a door and it was their son. I maybe had a little bit of moisture in my eye.

These are paches.  This is the food that everyone eats here
for Christmas and other holidays.  They are like tamales
except they are made with rice.

Well, we got called out in the conference pretty good. So President, from the pulpit, asked every companionship thier goals for the next two weeks. There were 4 zones present. He always started with the zone leader to ask them thier goals. He said, "The zone leader of Xela Centro, where are you guys at?" I raised my hand and when he caught sight of where we were sitting he said, "Oh, los pecadores," which means "the sinners." All the missionaries - all 100 of them, were like, "Oooooooooh." My comp and I were like, "What the heck what did we do?" But our president is like that. He is a jokester.

My comp with his Christmas gifts.
We are one of the only missions in the world that doubled our baptisms this year. The zone is doing a little bit better. I think that the plans that we are doing to finding people wanting to hear the gospel message are working a little bit. We will keep working hard to have the best zone in the mission. I want you guys to know that I would not be anywhere else than right here in the tiny town of Quetzaltenango doing exactly what I am doing. It is a once in a lifetime chance. Well, I will talk to you guys later. I love you guys so much and we will talk to you next week.

Elder Reinhold

Photo of Elder Reinhold on Christmas Day via Skype.

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